
Energy Company > Solar

Find the Solar Plan That Suits You


Each home is different; each solar system is different. We believe in customizing the right solar plan based on each home’s qualification. Our energy experts will determine the most cost-effective and energy efficient solution to your home.

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Solar San Diego

Rechargeable Solar Battery System


Generate, control, and save your power on your terms. No more power outages with our smart battery solutions. New customers would be able to qualify their home with Solar + battery options.

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About our Power Purchase Agreements


Our Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) Service:
Transform the way you power your life with our no-hassle, cost-saving solar energy solution. Under our Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), we take care of the entire process for you – from designing and installing the solar system on your property to its maintenance and operation. And the best part? There’s minimal upfront cost involved.


With our PPA service, you’re not purchasing the solar equipment, but the clean, sustainable energy it generates. This means you can reap the benefits of solar energy without having to deal with the intricacies of system ownership and maintenance. You pay a predetermined rate for the power the system produces, usually at a cost lower than your current utility rates.


Over the course of the typical 20-25 year agreement, you’ll lock in lower energy costs, contribute to a cleaner environment, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from our comprehensive system management. At the end of the term, the choice is yours – renew the agreement, purchase the system, or have us remove it. Simplify your switch to solar with our PPA service today

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Get started on your solar installation journey.


Upgrade your home with battery storage.

Partner with Us

Power your vehicle from the sun and save.

Energy Independance

Imagine your home creating energy as a synergistic unit.